Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chapter Fourteen "Another Link to Life"

In chapter 14, Linda is still living with her grandmother because Mrs.Flint threatened to kill her if she ever stepped foot in their house. Linda gets pregnant again at the age of 19. When Dr. Flint finds out, he cuts off all her hair, and throws Linda down the stairs. When Linda finds out her baby is a girl, she feels depressed because slavery is worse for women. Linda's grandmother and herself take her children to get baptized. Linda names her son after Benjamin and names her daughter after the name that her father's old mistress gave her. She also adds her fathers surname. After the baptism, Linda's father's old mistress comes up to the newborn baby and gives her a gold chain. The gold chain symbolizes slavery since Linda did not want her daughter to feel the chains of slavery. The corrupting power of slavery is shown in this chapter when Linda's father's old mistress gives her daughter a gold chain. Although it symbolizes slavery, it also symbolizes loyalty and obedience. Much like a tag/collar for a dog.

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