Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chapter Thirteen "The Church and Slavery"

In chapter 13, slave holders believe that teaching slaves about church will help them resist rebellions. Linda is invited to listen to a sermon at the house of a free black man named Reverend Pike. However, Reverend Pike tells the slaves that they have been disobedient and naughty. He also tells them that they need to obey their masters or else they will be thrown into the fiery pits of hell. Linda tells her readers that the "Christians" in Edenton are hypocrites. The reason for this is because white men who sleep with white women will be dismissed but if they rape a slave, they will be excused for it. If a white man donates even a few cents, then he is considered religious. Dr. Flint joined the Episcopal church and told Linda that she could have a sexual relationship with him and still be considered "virtuous". Linda however, does not fall for his scheme and tells him no. The corrupting power of slavery is shown in this chapter when the Reverend tells the slaves that they were born to work for their masters and that if they were disobedient, then they will be sent to hell. Reverend Pike did not know what was really going on behind the scenes because slave masters refused to tell him what actually happened. Also, slaves would be severely punished if they even let out a word about what really goes on in slavery.

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